Big News! The BA Zone is Starting a Weekly Live Streaming Show!

To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of The BA Zone, we're going to begin doing a weekly live stream show! We're starting with Facebook for now, but once we get the kinks worked out we'll also stream to Periscope and YouTube.

Each week we'll bring a topic to discuss, so let us know what you need! Answers to questions? Sure, we love to help out! Want tips? We've got a stack ready to go! Need templates? Happy to supply them to you! Need help finding the right tools? Let's talk!

We're just getting things set up at this point, but if you'd like to come along on the journey - we'd love to have the company!

Here are the details:

And this is only the beginning, we got a TON of other new stuff planned. Don't forget to take the survey to let us know what you need/want: so we can move that content to the top of the list! See you soon...