Recommended Books for Business Analysts - Business Analyst Tools for Success

Working as a Business Analyst requires a wide spectrum of skills, problem-solving abilities, and continual learning.

These are a few books we recommend to all of our Business Analyst friends - to help expand your knowledge and give you new understanding and ideas that you can bring to your projects.

Check out the video at the end of this post for more information about each book!

As is the list, with links! (Amazon links are affiliate links so if you use them - I get a few pennies. But hey, pennies add up! ;-) )

Recommended Reading for BAs

The Inside Scoop on Working on Software Development Projects

The Nuts and Bolts of Software Design

The Requirements Documentation Process

Communicate Your Processes/Designs

Up and Coming Topics

Working as a Business Analyst requires a wide spectrum of skills, problem-solving abilities, and continual learning. These are a few books we recommend to all of our Business Analyst friends - to help expand your knowledge and give you new understanding and ideas that you can bring to your projects.